Physical Performance Division

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traininglabThe main aims of the Physical Performance Division are:

- To research and apply the relevant data to fitness regimens for athletes or for the average person.

- To evaluate motor performance, adaptability and motor development in children of school and pre-school age as well as young athletes.

- To evaluate behaviour (in terms of technique and tactics) in team and individual sports.

Planning of specialised training regimens 

- Adaptation of specialised training regimens in relation to the age of the athlete as well as in terms of physical condition, muscular power, muscular endurance, somatotype, aerobic ability, speed, flexibility.

- Estimation and regulation of the overtraining level of athletes.

- Training regimens to improve the performance of athletes (various models)

- Planning of suitable training regimens for various ages of athletes in relation to their motor development and physical skills.

Evaluation of competitive behaviour

- Recording behaviour in terms of technique and tactics: A record of actions related to technique and tactics of professional and amateur teams is kept, for team as well as individual sports, by means of training in videoanalysis.

- Analysis and evaluation of behaviour in terms of technique and tactics: Statistic analysis of sports data/records in order to draw conclusions, by means of videoanalysis systems as well as statistical software.